Civil rights activist Ella Baker (standing third from right) with a group of young and teenage girls at a fair sponsored by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, circa 1950s.
© The Estate of Austin Hansen.
Ella Baker
Former National Director of the Young Negroes’ Co-operative League
Ella Baker, a prominent leader of the civil rights movement and founding member of the Young Negroes’ Co-operative League, worked with others to promote cooperative economics among African Americans. Baker’s roughly 45 years of active cooperative organizing, and the unique work that it spawned in the Civil Rights Movement, as well as her later cooperative work, created lasting change.
We thank the following for their contributions and support for the Cooperative Hall of Fame's Unsung Hero award, and its first inductee, Ella Baker.

Ajowa Ifateyo
Carmen Huertas Noble
Carolyn Ross-Holmes
Cathy Statz
Denise Hernandez
Fund for Democratic Communities
Jane Hoffman
Jessica Gordon-Nembhard
Judy Ziewacz
Karen Zimbelman
Kirstie Boyette
Leslie Mead
Linda Leeks
Margaret Bau
Margaret Lund
Mary Griffin
Michelle L. Schry
Parag Rajendra Khandhar, Esq.
Rik Freeman
Rich Larochelle
Rosemary Mahoney
Thomas Beckett/Carolina Common Enterprise
Vernon Oakes
Walden Swanson & Kate Sumberg
Ella Baker (center) and Myles Horton (left) at the Highlander Folk School, 1960s
Photographer unknown/image from Highlander Research and Education Center.
Ella Baker
Honoring and Planning Committee
Ajowa Ifateyo
Jessica Gordon-Nembhard
Margaret Lund
Nominated by:
Jessica Gordon-Nembhard
John Jay College, City University of New York
Margaret Lund
M Lund Associates